Blog Paldi

Category: Uncategorized

  • unblock firewall port 8080

    netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”Unblock Port 8080″ protocol=TCP dir=in localport=8080 action=allow

  • Windows UAC Hardening

    Bypass : Fix bypass :

  • HestiaCP change fail2ban timer

    config is located at /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf edit it there, my current config is

  • Ubuntu one liner swap

    # change 2G to how many GB of swap you wantfallocate -l 4G /swapfilechmod 600 /swapfilemkswap /swapfileswapon /swapfileswapon -secho “/swapfile swap swap sw 0 0” >> /etc/fstabVerify swap memory is added:free -m

  • Docker Cheatsheet

    Docker Cheat Sheet Basic Docker Commands 1. Getting Help: 2. Version: Working with Docker Images 1. Pull an Image: 2. List Images: 3. Remove an Image: 4. Build an Image: 5. Tag an Image: Working with Docker Containers 1. Run a Container: Common options: 2. List Running Containers: 3. List All Containers (including stopped): 4.…

  • Bash cheatsheet

    Sure! Here’s a comprehensive Bash cheatsheet covering essential commands and features: Bash Cheatsheet Basic Commands File Operations Viewing and Editing Files File Permissions Searching Process Management Networking Disk Usage Package Management (Debian/Ubuntu) Scripting Basics Environment Variables Miscellaneous This should cover most of the common Bash commands and operations you might need. Feel free to ask…

  • rclone cheatsheet

    Certainly! Here are some Rclone cheatsheets to help you with common commands and configurations. Rclone Basics General Syntax Common Commands Configuration Remote Storage Setup Google Drive Amazon S3 Common Options Filters and Exclusions Scheduling with Cron To schedule a sync task using cron, edit your crontab: Add a cron job, e.g., to sync every day…